If you have a small cottage home, then you know the beauty of living in compact, efficient spaces. However, where on earth do you put all of your tools, outdoor gear, or even supplies for your various hobbies? That’s where a shed comes in.
Sheds are the perfect storage space for just about anything you can’t fit in your home. With each bit of your tiny home storage used, sheds offer a small footprint exclusively for your outdoor gear and supplies.
In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of a shed for small cottage living and how sheds in our Simple Life communities are used in North Carolina and Florida. Let’s get into it!
The Benefits of a Shed for Small Cottage Living
Whether you’ve downsized or it’s your second home, a small cottage home might not have all of the space you need for your items. A shed, however, offers numerous benefits, like optimized storage space, an enhanced lifestyle, and even flexibility.
Optimized Storage Space
One of the many reasons that people love buying a shed for their small cottage home is because it adds additional storage to their property. With a shed, you can store just about anything that doesn’t fit in your home: seasonal décor, gardening tools, your outdoor gear for fishing and camping, and even some of your hobbies, like football or outdoor games. With a clutter-free interior, your small cottage home stays cozy and ready for guests.
Enhanced Lifestyle
Aside from the additional optimized storage you’ll gain, consider the lifestyle you’ll enjoy. A shed can give you the opportunity to embrace more outdoor living. It’s the perfect opportunity to pick up biking with friends, kayaking, or even begin to garden more. These sorts of items might not fit in your small cottage home, but your shed is the ideal place to put all of these essential items for a more active lifestyle. You can even create a workshop, art studio, or meditation space within your new shed.
One of the biggest reasons people choose to buy a shed for their small cottage house is because of flexibility. With your floor plan, you only have so much space. However, your outdoor storage space can be any size you would like. You can get a shed that is within the Simple Life community’s rules and a shed in the same color as your home to truly create an aesthetically appealing property, whether you’re here year-round or only for the winter months.
As you can see, there are so many reasons to consider getting a shed for your small cottage home. Within our Simple Life communities, there are so many benefits to getting a shed that can enhance your lifestyle and access to the surrounding natural landscapes.
How Residents Use Sheds in Simple Life Communities
From Western North Carolina to Florida, many of our residences use sheds to embrace the outdoor lifestyle and take advantage of the gorgeous natural world around them. Let’s examine how a shed at each of our Simple Life destinations could benefit your lifestyle and daily routine.
Western North Carolina: A Gateway to the Mountain Lifestyle
In Western North Carolina, having a shed on your property means embracing the mountain lifestyle wholeheartedly. You’ll get to experience so many amazing outdoor activities. Your shed can store outdoor gear, hiking equipment, or even extra pantry storage, which is especially beneficial around the holidays! Many of our residents enjoy having a place to store what they need to grab when the mountains call and adventure is imminent.
Central Florida: The Place for All Your Summer Must-Haves
Living in Central Florida means sunshine, beaches, and plenty of year-round activities to satisfy your adventurous spirit. Residents in our Florida Simple Life communities can store pool equipment, such as floats and toys, or even put their gardening tools in their outdoor storage space. You can even make your shed in Florida a creative space for your artwork, whether you paint, write, or simply want a place to quietly enjoy the view.
Choosing the Right Shed for Your Small Cottage Home
If you’re ready to upgrade your small cottage home and available storage spaces, a shed can be the perfect choice. However, before you head to the store to find one for your property, here are some things to consider so you find the right shed for your needs:
- Assess Your Storage Needs: Before you even select a shed, it’s best to figure out how much storage space you need. Do you need a small shed for gardening or something more substantial to house larger equipment? Determining your storage needs can help you find the right size shed.
- Consider the Shed’s Purpose: After deciding how large it needs to be, you need to think about what your shed will be used for. There are some sheds that are great for storage or a workspace, while others might be better suited for a hobby area. It’s okay to shop around to find the right shed for your specific purpose.
- Matching Colors: On Simple Life’s properties, sheds and homes should match in color, so feel free to shop around to find a shed that matches your home’s exterior. If you can’t find one that matches exactly, consider purchasing one that can be painted and made to align with your home’s current aesthetic.
- Community Approval: Before you sign on the dotted line to bring your shed home or have it delivered, remember to get community approval! Contact our team at Simple Life to learn how to complete the process so your shed can become an official part of your property.
Find Your Ideal Home at Simple Life in North Carolina or Central Florida
If you’re ready to embrace an active, outdoor lifestyle, consider purchasing a home in one of Simple Life’s many communities. With several small cottage homes to choose from and a relatively small footprint, you can live large and carry less, giving you peace of mind. Explore our available homes today to find the perfect fit for your family!